我就继续我的分享吧!Again, read English rather than Chinese, English is the original work.
Chapter 5: What Truths do you need to turn to? 你应该转向什么真理?
1. Trying to change behaviour alone doesn't work because the lies that create that behaviour are still there.
2. Just as lies about God lead to the slavery of sin, so the truth about God leads to the freedom of service.
3. Lloyd Jones said: "Have you realized that most of your unhappiness in life is due to the fact that you are listening to yourself instead of talking to yourself?" Our problem is that we think with our feelings. We don't always feel joy in God, but by faith we can tell ourselves he is our joy.
4. One common reason why we sin is that we crave the approval of people or we fear their rejection. We talking of 'needing' the approval or acceptance of others, but our true need is to glorify God and love people.
5. The answer to the fear of man is fear of God. We need a big view of God. To fear God is to respect, worship, trust and submit to him. If you are controlled by people's expectations, then you need to learn the fear of the Lord.
6. Whenever you see someone whom you fear or whose approval you crave, imagine God next to them. Who is the more glorious, majestic, holy, beautiful, threatening, and loving? Whose approval really matters to you?
7. The fear of God is liberating. We take people's expectations seriously because we want to love them as God commanded. But we're not enslaved by them. We don't serve them for what they can give us in return -- approval, affection, security or whatever. By submitting to Christ's lordship, we are free to serve others in love. (Galatians 5: 13)
8. God is good, so we do not have to look elsewhere. Whatever sin offers, God offers more, for God offers us himself. God isn't just good; he is better - better than everything else, and the true source of all joy.
神是美好的。 罪能够给我们的,神给的更多,因为神给我们他自己。神不只是好的,他比任何东西更好,他是喜乐的源头。
9. One of our problems is that we think only of moments. In the moment, we think the pleasures of sin are real and the joy of God is insubstantial or distant. But the truth is the other way round: every joy we experience is but a shadow of the source of all joy, which is God. Marriage, for example, is a reflection of the joy of union with God; adultery is a distorted reflection.If you commit adultery then you've settled for less than living water.
我们的其中一个问题在于我们只想到当下。当下,我们只想到罪给我们的快乐是真实的,而神给的喜乐不切实际和很遥远。但事实是相反的,所有我 们在今生享受的快乐只是将来真正的喜乐的倒影。比方说,婚姻是与神连结的喜乐的反映,而淫乱却是他被扭曲的影子。如果你犯奸淫,你其实只满足于不比活水更 好的东西。
10. Life with God and for God is the best life you could live. Change is about enjoying the freedom from sin and delight in God that God gives to us through Jesus.
11. Without grace, we view life as a contract between us and God: we do good works and in return he blesses us. When things go well, we're filled with pride. But when things go badly, wither we blame ourselves and feel guilty or we blame God and feel bitter. But the contract or covenant between us and God already reads 'Paid in full by the blood of Jesus'. Only when we grasp God's grace are we free to serve him for his own sake, not for reward.
没有了恩典,我们视生命只是一个人与神的契约:我们行善神便祝福我们,一切顺利时,我 们便骄傲,但我们犯罪或生命不顺利,我们会怪罪自己并感到内疚,或我们会怪神并感到苦毒。但这份契约其实已经写上“已被耶稣的宝血付清”只有当我们抓住神 的恩典,我们才可以自由的服事他,并不是为了自己。
12. We can sin only if we suffer from a radical loss of perspective. Only if we forget that God is great and good can we sin. We forget our God and the identity he gives.
13. First, we need to nurture our trust in God's greatness, fear of God's glory, delight in God's goodness, longing for God's future, rest in God's grace. Second, when we face temptation we need to say not only 'I should not do this', but also 'I need not do this' To say to temptation 'I must not do this' is legalism. To say 'I need not do this because God is bigger and better' is good news.
第一,我们应该更加信靠神是大能的,敬畏神的荣耀,享 受在神的美善,渴望将来的国度,安息在神的恩典里。第二,当我们遇见试探,我们不单能说“我不可以这样做”,也能够说“我不需要这样做”。对试探说“我不 可以这样做”是律法主义,说“我不需要这样做”因为神更大更好,这是一个好消息。
Chapter 6: What desires do you need to turn form?
1. God's agenda for our lives is for us to be holy, just as he is holy. This holiness is the fruit of what we think or trust and what we desire or worship. We sin because we desire or worship idols instead of worshipping God.
2. Our double sin is, first, rejecting the truth of God's greatness and goodness, and second, placing our affections elsewhere.
3 Our idols are those things we count on to give our lives meaning. They are the things of which we say 'I need this to make me happy' or 'If I don't have this my life is worthless and meaningless.' Your idol is whatever you are greedy for. It may be money, approval, sex or power.
4. Desire or lust is more than liking. It is the will to possess. Lust turns good things into objects of worship. Whatever you treasure most is the thing that has your heart and controls your life.
5. Sin begins with desire. That's why we can't change ourselves simply by changing our behaviour. We need god to change us by renewing our hearts and giving us new desires.
6. Desire itself isn't wrong. Desire is part of being human. We should desire God and his glory. A sinful desire is a desire that is bigger than God. It could be a desire for a good thing that has become more important to us than God.
欲望本身不是罪,他是人的自然本能。我们应该追求神和他的荣耀。但有罪的欲望是任何高过对神的追求的欲望 。这有可能是一个好的东西,但他在我们的心中取代了神的地位。
7. To want to be married or successful or healthy, for example, is to desire a good thing. but if my singleness or failure or illness makes me bitter, then my desire has grown too big, bigger than my desire for God. As a result, I cannot be content with God's sovereignty over my life.
8. The world is full of good things given by God. We can and indeed should enjoy them. But they're meant as bridges to joy in God. We delight in the gift and the Giver. But a good thing can become a 'god-thing' if it eclipses God, if the gift matters more to us than the Giver.
这世界有很多从神而来美好的东西。我们可以也应该享受在其中。但他们只是享受在神的喜乐的桥梁。我们喜爱神的礼物和神自己。但如果我们注重神给的礼物多过神本身, 美好的东西有可能会变成崇拜的对象。
9. God promises to meet our true needs, but we can't expect him to satisfy our selfish desires. God isn't the key to the good life. He is the good life. He defines the good life.
10. Sin arises because we desire something more than we desire God. Overcoming sin begins by reversing this process: desiring God more than other things. The Bible calls this 'repentance'. The word means 'turning': we turn away from our idolatrous desires and turn in faith towards God.
11. Repentance (turning from sinful desires) or mortification (killing off sinful desires) is Christ's work for us and the Spirit's work in us.
12. You discover that a desire is sinful when it produces bad fruit in your life. ... When our thoughts are filled with the glory of God and our lives are filled with the service of God, there'll be less room for sin and temptation.
13. Turning to God in faith and turning form sin in repentance are the same movement. Try it now. Stand facing the window. Then turn to face the opposite wall. The act of turning from the window and the act of turning towards the wall is one movement. You can't turn towards the wall without turning away form the window. When we trust God, we're affirming that he's bigger and better than our sinful desires. Repentance is in itself an act of faith.
Chapter 7. What Stops you changing? 什么让你停止改变?
1. The number one reason why people don't change is pride, closely followed by hating the consequences of sin, but actually still loving the sin itself.
2. One of the main ways in which pride wrecks the process of change is when we hide our sin from others. We want good reputation, so we hide, we pretend, we don't seek help. We love our reputation more than we hate sin.
3. Sin is like mould: it grows best in the dark. Expose it to the light and it starts to dry up. Hiding leads to sin and sin leads to hiding. But grace breaks the cycle. Grace disarms the fear of exposure, bringing us in the light, into the arena of change.
4. Every day I struggle between the desire to be known as holy and the desire actually to be holy. The truth I need to keep telling myself is that reputation is a small price to pay for the joy of knowing more of God and reflecting his glory.
John Flavel identified six arguments Satan uses in tempting us, together with model responses. Spot the voice of temptation in your life and identify how you should respond.
1. The pleasure of sin 罪带来的快乐
Temptation: Look at my smiling face and listen to my charming voice. Here is pleasure
to be enjoyed. Who can stay away from such delights?
The believer: The pleasure of sin are real, but so are the pangs of conscience and the
flames of hell. The pleasures of sin are real, but pleasing God is much
2. The secrecy of sin 罪的隐秘
Temptation: The sin will never disgrace you in public because no one will ever find out.
The believer: Can you find somewhere without the presence of God for me to sin?
3. The profit of sin 罪的好处
Temptation: If you just stretch your conscience a little, you will gain so much. This is
your opportunity.
The believer: What do I benefit if I gain the whole world but lose my own soul? I won't
risk my soul for all the good in this world.
4.The smallness of sin 罪的渺小
Temptation: It's only a little thing, a small matter, a trifle. Who else would worry about
such a trivial thing?
试探: 这只是很小的罪,很微不足道的,有谁会为这样琐碎的罪操心?
The believer: Is the majesty of heaven a small matter too? If I commit this sin, I will
offend and wrong a great God. Is there any little hell to torment little
sinners? Great wrath awaits those the world thinks are little sinners. The
less the sin, the less the reason to commit it! Why should I be unfaithful
towards God for such a trifle?
信徒: 难道天堂的宏伟也是小事?如果我继续犯罪,我是在得罪大能又美善的神。难道还有比较小
5. The Grace of God 神的恩典
Temptation: God will pass over this as a weakness. He won't make a big deal of it.
The believer: Where do I find a promise of mercy to presumptuous sinners? How can I
abuse such a good God? Shall I take God's glorious mercy and make it a
reason to sin? Shall I wrong him because he is good?
信徒: 就因为这恩典,我们就可以滥用吗?难道我们要将神的慈爱和恩典当作是我们可以继续犯罪
6. The example of others 他人的示范
Temptation: Better people than you have sinned in this way. And plenty of people have
been restored after committing this sin.
The believer: God didn't record the examples of good people sinning for me to copy,
but to warn me. Am I willing to feel what they felt for sin? I dare not follow
their example in case God plunges me into the deeps of horror he cast
them into.