Chapter 3: How are you going to change? 你如何改变?

1. It seems our first instinct when we want to change is to DO something. We think activity will change us. But our rituals and disciplines can't change us. External activities can't change us, says Jesus, because sin comes from within, from our heart. We need heart change.

当我们说我们要改变时,第一反应便是我们应该做些什么。我们认为我们所作的可以改变我们,但实际上我们的行为举止不能够改变我们。外在的活动不能够改变,因为耶稣说罪是从里面出来的,是从心里出来的。我们需要心的改变(heart change)。


2. We become Christians by faith in Jesus, we stay Christians by faith in Jesus, and we grow as Christians by faith in Jesus. If we would be sanctified, our course is clear and plain - we must begin with Christ.



3. What the law does do is show us we can't change ourselves or make ourselves good enough for God. The purpose of the law is to point to the righteousness that Jesus offers. (Romans 3: 21-22) The law isn't meant to be the starting point for change. It's meant to bring us to an end of ourselves and so drive us into the arms of Jesus.



4. Legalism is appealing for two reasons. First, it makes holiness manageable. Second, legalism makes holiness an achievement on our part. Once of its by-products is comparison with other people. We check whether we are holier than other people or look down on those who don't appear to be as good as we are. No one thinks of themselves as a legalist. They just think of themselves as someone who takes holiness seriously.



5. Deep in the heart of each one of us is the proud desire to prove ourselves. Sin is wanting to live our lives our own way without God. The terrible irony is that we even want to overcome sin our own way without God.



6. But only God can bring true and lasting change. And that's because only God can change our hearts. Jesus changes us on the inside with the Holy Spirit. Jesus does what legalism can never do: he gives us a new heart and a new spirit. Without this inner transformation, we can never please God. God is in the business of change.



7. The Father is intimately involved in our lives so that our circumstances train us in godliness. The Son has set us free from both the penalty and the power of sin so that we now live under the reign of grace. The Spirit gives us a new attitude to sin and a new power to change. The combined forces of the Trinity are at work in our lives to set us free and make us holy.



8. Conversion is all God's work, but we have a responsibility to respond with faith and repentance. Sanctification is God's work. But we are not passive. We have to respond with faith and repentance.



9. There are important differences between justification (being right with God) and sanctification (becoming like God). God counts me right with him solely because of what Christ has done outside me without any change on my part. Sanctification, however, takes place within me. Justification is a change of my status in God's sight; sanctification is a change of my heart and character.



10. But we shouldn't separate justification and sanctification. They are joined together so that sanctification follows where justification leads. We are justified because we're united to Christ, the Righteous One. But union with Christ also brings with it a change of life. What both justification and sanctification have in common is that they take place through faith in Christ.



11. They key to continual and deeper spiritual renewal and revival is the continual re-discovery of the gospel.



Chapter 4: When do you struggle?

1. According to the Bible, the source of all human behaviour and emotions is the heart.Every sinful action and negative emotion reveals a problem in our hearts.

圣经说,人类所有的行为举止和意念都来自内心。所有有罪的行为和负面的情绪揭发我们内心的问题 。


2. Only when we understand the role of our hearts can we truly understand the role of our circumstances in sin. Our struggles and temptations often trigger but but they never cause it. The root cause is always the heart and its sinful desires.



3. External pressures have an impact on our behaviour VIA OUR HEARTS. We can't blame our circumstances. Desires lead to sin, and sin leads to death. The deadly effects of sin in our lives, emotions and relationships stem from the evil desire of our hearts.



4. There is a twofold problem in heart: What we think or trust and what we desire or worship. Sin happens when we don't trust God above everything (when we interpret in the wrong way) and when we don't desire God above everything (when we worship the wrong thing).



5. Destructive or sinful behaviour such as lying, manipulation, violence, theft, adultery, addictions ... all arise when our hearts don't trust God as we should and don't worship God as we should. So the answer is faith and repentance.



6. Trust God instead of believing lies = faith;

   worship God instead of worshiping idols = repentance




Chapter 5: What Truths do you need to turn to? 你应该转向什么真理?

1. Sinful acts always have their origin in some form of unbelief. Behind every sin is a lie. The root of all our behaviour and emotions is the heart: what it trusts and what it treasures.



2. We sin because we believe the lie that we are better off without God, that his rule is oppressive, that we will be free without him, that sin offers more than God. This is true of every sin and every negative emotion.



3. Not many people think of themselves as someone who believes lies! But every time we don't trust God's word we're believing something else, and that something is always a lie. Many of our negative emotions are sinful because they are symtoms of unbelief - the greatest sin and the root sin.



4. The problems lie in the gap between what we believe in theory and what we believe in practice. Sanctification is the progressive narrowing of the gap between confessional faith and functional faith.



5. Recognizing that behind every sin is a lie not only gives us a radical view of sin, it points us to the road out of sinful behaviour and emotions. That road is trust in God!





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