重新分享我在2011年读过的一本书《You Can Change》by Tim Chester


在英国读了一些真的很好很好很好的书,学习到很多,在这里想要跟大家分享。 在英国的两 年,其实经历到最多的好像是跟罪的搏斗,以前曾经认为是‘大家 都会犯的罪’,也变得特别的敏感,想要改变,却发现我好像是罪的奴隶,每一次都输。这本书《You Can Change》提醒我很多神的能力,恩典,还有很多很实用的对策,所以希望慢慢和大家分享。我只把我觉得是重点的记录下来,还有英文的表达和中文的有点不 同,有些句子太难翻译的话,我就直接用英文。希望大家用心看完,彼此分享,一起学习。


第一章:What would you like to change? 你想要改变什么?

1. The New Testament sometimes says we should be like God and sometimes says we should be like Christ. It's because Christ is the true image of God.



2. The word 'holy' means 'set apart' or 'consecrated'. For Jesus, holiness meant being set apart from, or different from, our sinful ways. It didn't mean being set apart from the world, but being consecrated to God in the world.



3. Jesus is the perfect person, the true image of God, the glory of the Father. And God's agenda for change is for us to become like Jesus.



4. However, trying to imitate Jesus on its own only leaves me feeling a failure. The great news is that Jesus is not only my example, but also my Redeemer.



5. Moral effort, fear of judgement and sets of rules can't bring lasting change. But amazing things happen when we 'turn to the Lord'. On our own, we can't be the people we want to be. We're trapped by our emotions and desires. But when we turn to the Lord, Jesus sets us free through the Spirit.



第二章:Why would you like to change? 为什么你想改变?

 1. You would like to change  我想改变因为

(A) to prove myself to God 我要向神证明自己

The problem is that we seem to be hard-wired to think we must do something to make God favourably disposed towards us.



God can't love you more than he does now - no matter how much you change your life. And God won't love you less than he does now - no matter what mess you make of your life.



(B) to prove myself to other people 向别人证明自己

Instead, we should be comparing ourselves to Jesus, finding we fall a long way short of God's standards, and discovering that we desperately need a Savior.



(C) to prove myself to myself 向自己证明自己

What I feel when I sin is the offense against me and my self-esteem, not the offense against God.


2. What's wrong with wanting to change so that we can prove ourselves to God or people or ourselves? It doesn't work. We can never change enough to impress God. Trying to impress God, others or ourselves put US at the centre of our change project. It makes change all about MY looking good. It is done for MY glory.



3. It is pretty much the definition of sin. Sin is living for my glory instead of God's. Sin is living life my way, for me, instead of living life God's way, for God. Pharisees do good works and repent of bad works. But gospel repentance includes repenting of good works done for wrong reasons. We need to repent of trying to be our own saviour.



4. We want to justify ourselves -- to demonstrate we're worthy of God or respectable in the eyes of other people. But we're justified through faith in what Christ has done. When you feel the desire to prove yourself, remember you're right with God in Christ. You can't do anything to make yourself more acceptable to God than you already are. Your identity isn't dependent on your change. You're a child of the heavenly king.



5. When we try to prove ourselves by our good works, we are saying that the cross wasn't enough. We don't do good works so that we can be saved; we are saved so that we can do good works.



6. The essence of holiness is not new behaviour, activity or disciplines. Holiness is new affections, new desires and new motives that then lead to new behaviour.



7.  When you aim to prove yourself, your focus will be the consequences of your sin rather than hating the sin itself and desiring God in its place. Many people change their behaiour, but their motives and desires are still wrong so their new behaviour is no more pleasing to God than their old behaviour.



8. The Bible talks about our new identity and provide us with strong motives for change. (A) You are a child of the Father (B) You are the bride of the Son (C) You are the home of the Holy Spirit



9. Our motive for change: To enjoy the freedom from sin and delight in God that God gives to us through Jesus





- Sin promises fun and excitement but it delivers pain and tragedy.


- Sin promises freedom but it delivers slavery and addiction.


- Sin promises life and fulfillment but it delivers emptiness, frustration and death.


- Sin promises gain but it delivers loss.


- Sin promises that we can get away with it, but the fact is, we don't.





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